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15 September 2022

The 2022 harvest have started

Gold Medal At The Concours Général Of Paris
The harvest have started in this mi-September with our Merlot. They have been followed by the Cabernet Franc ath the end of the month. Finally, they ended with our only plot of Carménère, (always the lastest one ), harvested on October, 18th!


Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre 2022
01 October 2022
In partnership with le Conseil des Vins de Saint-Emilion, our Château Clarisse « Vieilles Vignes » 2018 will be present in the Saint-Emilion Wine Trip at La Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre. We are even more proud that this cuvée has been elected "Coup de Coeur" during the last Coupe des Crus de Saint Emilion 2022.
Our 2019 vintages have been awarded in the Guide des Meilleurs Vins de France 2023 by La Revue du Vin de France
19 October 2022
Château Clarisse, Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux, 2019 - 91 - Château Clarisse « Vieilles Vignes », Puisseguin Saint Emilion, 2019 - 90 - Château Clarisse, Puisseguin Saint Emilion, 2019 – 89 The writers, all wine professionals have tasted 50 000 wines and selected the 7000 best ones.
Salon des Vignerons Indépendants 2022 in Clermont Ferrand
09 October 2022
We will be present at the 7th Salon des Vignerons Indépendants de Clermont-Ferrand. A great opporuntiy to (re)discover our 3 wines, on new vintages, including our Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux 2019, the first one cretified organic in the history of the vineyard.
Our 2019 vintages Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux and Vieilles Vignes
19 October 2022
Our 2019 vintages Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux and Vieilles Vignes have been selected for the first time in the Guide des Vins Bio 2023, with a silver medal for our Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux at the Amphore challenge, one of the leading contest in France for organic wines.